440 Hz 432 Hz and others in a Cymascope

440 Hz 432 Hz and others in a Cymascope

Eileen McKusick — I ran 432 and 440 multiple times through the Cymascope, in both the small and large dishes, and I could not get either of them to generate a coherent image, although I have gotten slightly more geometric patterns in the past. We don’t use the 432, 440 or 444 frequencies in Biofield Tuning (I found these tones grating to listen to), but we do have 222, 144, and 89 Hz forks, as well as binaural beats of 111 Hz created by our 417 and 528 Hz forks used together. Based on my explorations with cymatics, I would not say the 432 by itself is a “healing” tone. The 89 sure seems to be though, really lovely to look at and listen to!


Saw this comment —

ORGanization called “SOUND QUALITY” has lots of info along these lines. Including an article on how NIST is changing the definition (length) of the “second” measurement. VERY interesting. Imagine these energy balls happening in real-time, in 3D, all the interactions, the changing of energy states and patterns…infinitudes upon infinitudes. Probably a market for a coffee blasting plate that heats and also vibrates, to cymatically supercharge your daily dose! Tune it to suit your biology, intended mood, etc. 444 looks might exciting!

440 Hz 432 Hz and others in a Cymascope

What’s interesting is that 444 Hz seems to be an ‘unsettled’ frequency; it seems to jumble and jostle itself, like it’s a self-modifying cymatic form, the energy input causing ‘roiling’. 440 Hz not so much. 432 Hz even less, but still not settled. 89 Hz seems to make a form and hold it (though it does rolls back-n-forth around central axis). 89 is a prime number, the others are not. 111 Hz holds. 222 Hz seems to hold a pattern, but it kind of tiny-rolls abound the central axis; same with 144 Hz. 333 Hz fixed.

Super unexpected that the odd numbers would hold form but the evens all shift around!

Recently piqued by gematrial exploration of Zachary K Hubbard, I looked up these numbers —

20250209 012057

20250209 013127

20250209 012259

20250209 012431

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