Part of Michael’s Drums series of life-long joy
Michael’s Drums 12
2020 Update
Picked up a 14×6 DW / PDC multi-ply maple snare with wood rims on both heads. It’s ridiculously tonal, ridiculously responsive at all playing volumes, ridiculously loud when pushed, always ridiculously crisp and flavorful. It’s even more more than my main Ludwig maple kit. I’ve been hesitant about DW drums because, of all the DW kits I’ve heard in all the many recordings of many different drummers, I’ve thought they all seemed to share a too-similar “DW sound”. This snare might change my mind and remove the block for buying into a bigger, full-DW kit; I’ll have to record it and hear how it does. Unlike the cheap Meinl HCS starter cymbals (that 10-pack for ~$400), which WILL make you run away from Meinl altogether (unless you’ve heard their Byzance anything, which might make you forgive the horrendous HCS), this DW/PDC is a superb starter, a great harbinger for what may indeed be excellent tone justifying the hype.
Picked up another DW/Pacific snare, darker wood, deeper shell, wood rims on both heads. Wow, this thing is a wooden golem. If the end-of-the-world had a snare sound, this would be it — part cannonfire, part mountainous obliteration. I’m pretty sure this is the most powerful sounding, loudest thing I own…can’t seem to find its top-end of power…makes it conceivable how players can crack cymbals, trying to keep up. Although I’ve tested near-perfect hearing (still), it’s rare that anything except gunfire (and exposure to wifi radiation) can make my ears “ring” these days, a single rimshot on this monster does. …now if I might only find a kick that can do similar…probably would have to be 26″ dia. …or 50″. I’m reminded of BACK TO THE FUTURE guitar-amp mega-woofer…