Part of Michael’s Drums series of life-long joy
Michael’s Drums 5
2003-2004 Updates
Many more studio goodies have arrived: Several new mics, mic pres, and effects equipment, in addition to new recording and mastering software on both pc and mac. New tools are *so* much fun. And, it’s so nice that all this stuff shows up in the passive voice!
Meanwhile, here’s a mastered version of Primary Jam from above…big difference! mp3 4.3M
March 31, 2003…temple blocks and a fire-alarm bell! (March 2025, now two; somewhere in there I added an ice-bell on the far-right of the main kit.)
Summer 04: two more splash cymbals (6″ & 8″), an ice bell, LP plastic/wood blocks (orange+purple, red and blue).