Feeling. Sensing. Knowing. Pre-Sentiment Feeling the Future or Sensing an Extended Present – Dr Rupert Sheldrake

Pre-Sentiment — Feeling the Future or Sensing an Extended Present

Exploring Presentiment and Precognition in Day Trading Forex: The Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin Perspective

In the fast-paced world of day trading forex, where split-second decisions can make or break fortunes, traders are constantly seeking an edge. While technical analysis, market trends, and economic indicators dominate strategies, there’s a lesser-known but fascinating aspect that some traders believe could offer insights beyond traditional analysis: presentiment and precognition.

Presentiment refers to the intuitive feeling or sense of something about to happen, often before any conscious awareness of it. Precognition, on the other hand, involves the ability to foresee future events before they occur. These concepts delve into the realm of parapsychology, challenging conventional notions of time and perception.

Two prominent figures in this field are Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin. Sheldrake, a biologist and author, is known for his work on morphic resonance and unconventional theories about consciousness. Radin, a researcher in parapsychology, has conducted numerous studies on psi phenomena, including presentiment and precognition.

In the context of day trading forex, the idea of tapping into subconscious cues or accessing future information intuitively may seem both intriguing and elusive. Proponents argue that the human mind, unconstrained by linear time, can pick up on subtle patterns and fluctuations in the market before they manifest in charts or news.

Imagine a trader who experiences a sudden sense of unease or excitement just before a significant currency pair makes a major move. This gut feeling, if accurate, could potentially guide the trader to make timely decisions, whether to enter a trade, exit, or adjust positions. It’s akin to a sixth sense honed through experience and heightened awareness.

However, skepticism abounds in the financial world, where empirical data and rigorous analysis reign supreme. Critics argue that presentiment and precognition belong more to the realm of pseudoscience than practical trading strategies. They point to the lack of reproducible experiments and the influence of cognitive biases on perceived patterns.

Despite the debate, there are anecdotal accounts and small-scale studies suggesting that some individuals exhibit uncanny abilities to anticipate market movements. These anecdotes often defy rational explanations, leading to speculation about the nature of intuition and the limits of human perception.

For day traders exploring these concepts, the key lies in balancing intuition with disciplined analysis. Rather than relying solely on gut feelings or purported psychic abilities, integrating presentiment and precognition into a comprehensive trading approach may involve:

1. Mindfulness Practices: Cultivating mindfulness can enhance awareness of subtle cues and emotions that may precede market shifts.

2. Pattern Recognition: Training the mind to recognize patterns and anomalies in data, both consciously and subconsciously, can inform trading decisions.

3. Risk Management: Implementing robust risk management strategies is crucial, regardless of any intuitive insights, to mitigate potential losses.

4. Continuous Learning: Remaining open to new ideas and strategies while critically evaluating their efficacy through backtesting and analysis.

Ultimately, the intersection of presentiment, precognition, and day trading forex invites traders to explore the boundaries of conventional wisdom and delve into the complexities of human consciousness. Whether viewed as a speculative curiosity or a legitimate tool for gaining an edge, the quest for deeper understanding in trading continues to evolve, fueled by curiosity, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of profit in the financial markets.

Most people have had the experience of waking soon before an alarm clock goes off and some can even wake before a specified time without an alarm. The usual assumption is that this depends on an exquisitely sensitive time sense, but Rupert argues that it may be explained better in terms of presentiment, or ‘feeling the future’, or even in terms of an ‘extended present’.

We already know that our sense of the present is not a mathematical instant, but has width, and perhaps it widens over ranges of seconds to include portions of the near future, Presentiment is now a well-established phenomenon in laboratory experiments, carried out at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Cornell University and elsewhere, and may be widely distributed among people and non-human animals.

It could play an important part in everyday life, and become especially significant in fast-moving sports like downhill skiing, tennis and ping pong. Some people may make use of this ability in day trading where they make decisions on movements of the markets over very short time periods, sometimes only a few seconds.

Rupert Sheldrake discusses how this ability could potentially be trained, enabling airline pilots and racing drivers to be better prepared for potential accidents, and helping some people to get rich quick – as some day traders already have – by using intuitive abilities that cannot be duplicated by computers.

Abstract of Dean Radin’s 1997 paper — “Is consciousness limited to perception of the sensory present and memory of the past, or does it also have access to future information? In an experiment designed to explore this question, a computer was used to randomly select and present target photos from a pool of digitized photographs. Some targets labeled ” calm ” included landscapes and cheerful people; other targets labeled “extreme” included violent and erotic topics. Heart rate, blood volume, and electrodermal activity were recorded before, during and after presentation of the target photo to see whether the body would unconsciously respond differentially to the two types of future targets. Extreme targets were expected to produce classical orienting responses after the targets were displayed, and a ” presentiment ” (future feeling) effect was predicted to produce orienting pre-sponses before the pictures were displayed. Calm targets were expected to cause no unusual responses before or after the target was displayed. Four experiments, involving 31 participants who viewed a total of 1,060 target photos, showed the expected orienting response after the target photo was displayed. In accordance with a presentiment hypothesis, there was a clear orienting pre-sponse that peaked with a four standard error difference in physiological measures between extreme and calm targets one second before the target photo was displayed.” —Unconscious Perception of Future Emotions: An Experiment in Presentiment by Dean Radin, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 163-180, 1997 — PDF — https://ilnk.org/2/43xwc

Listen to the Animals: Why did so many animals escape December’s tsunami?


Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home

“Many pet owners will swear that their dog or cat or other animal has exhibited some kind of behavior they can’t explain. How does a dog know when its owner is returning home at an unexpected time? How do cats know when it is time to go to the vet, even before the cat carrier comes out? How do horses find their way back to the stable over completely unfamiliar terrain? And how can some pets predict that their owners are about to have an epileptic fit?  These intriguing questions about animal behavior convinced Rupert that the very animals who are closest to us have much to teach us about biology, nature, and consciousness. With a scientist’s mind and an animal lover’s compassion, Rupert compellingly demonstrates that we and our pets are social animals linked together by invisible bonds connecting animals to each other, to their owners, and to their homes in powerful ways. Rupert’s provocative ideas about these social fields explain the uncanny behavior often observed in pets and help provide an explanation for amazing animal behavior in the wild, such as migration and homing.  First published in 1999, a new revised edition was released in the US in 2011” — JAYTEE a dog who knew when his owner was coming home: The ORF Experiment — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA5wAm2c01w

Unconscious Perception of Future Emotions: An Experiment in Presentiment by Dean Radin, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 163-180, 1997


Dr Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University, as a Fellow of Clare College, he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells, and together with Philip Rubery discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport. In India, he was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. He is the author of more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and his research contributions have been widely recognized by the academic community, earning him a notable h-index for numerous citations. On ResearchGate his Research Interest Score puts him among the top 4% of scientists.

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