Feeling. Sensing. Knowing. “Pre-Sentiment” — Feeling the Future, or Sensing an Extended Present – Dr Rupert Sheldrake

Exploring Presentiment and Precognition in Day Trading Forex: The Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin Perspective In the fast-paced world of day trading forex, where split-second decisions can make or break fortunes, traders are constantly seeking an edge. While technical analysis, market trends, and economic indicators dominate strategies, there’s a lesser-known but fascinating aspect that some … Read more

Healing is Voltage – Physics of Emotions – Jerry Tennant, MD

“The human body is an electronic device [and system].” — 7:30, Dr Jerry Tennant   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2VDKQLiU64   ### Exploring the Physics of Emotions: How Dr. Jerry Tennant’s Insights Illuminate Emotive Energy’s Impact on Health and Disease In the realm of holistic health and wellness, the connection between emotions and physical well-being has long been acknowledged. … Read more

How Noise Improves Computing (and digitized audio)

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igE3Ct1X9RE   The Surprising Power of Noise: How Ambient Sounds Improve Computing In the world of computing, silence is often prized. Quiet environments are thought to be ideal for concentration and productivity. However, recent research and practical applications are challenging this notion. It turns out that noise, specifically ambient sounds, can have a significant … Read more

How Corruption and Greed Led to the Downfall of Rock Music – Jim Barber, Rick Beato

“You both could not have articulated this any better. This is an incredibly transparent documentary of what the radio/music industry was and has turned into. A “must watch” for all artists. Thank you for this!” Corporations epitomize sociopathy / psychopathy because they are required by law to do everything legally possible to gain money for … Read more

Global Consciousness Played as Music – Princeton Edu

“What about the possibility we could use music to detect structure in the data? There is a history dating back to the beginning of the project of ideas for making music based on or driven by the Egg data. There is another sort of history of unusual music in my background, playing with friends long … Read more

Coherent Mass Human Attention Reduces Randomness — Measuring the Emotional — Princeton Noosphere Project

CGPT The term “Princeton Noosphere Project” likely refers to the work conducted by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory, which was part of Princeton University. While the term “noosphere” itself wasn’t explicitly used by PEAR in the names of their projects, the concept of the noosphere is closely related to the types of phenomena … Read more

“Science and the taboo of psi” with Dean Radin

ABSTRACT Do telepathy, clairvoyance and other “psi” abilities exist? The majority of the general population believes that they do, and yet fewer than one percent of mainstream academic institutions have any faculty known for their interest in these frequently reported experiences. Why is a topic of enduring and widespread interest met with such resounding silence … Read more

The Quantum [Mechanics] Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret

Analysis of mysteries of QM —   Dr. Ron Garret was an AI and robotics researcher at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab for fifteen years before taking a year off to work at Google in June of 2000. He was the lead engineer on the first release of AdWords, and the original author of the … Read more

Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Sheldrake — bio-resonance with soul, mind, consciousness

Do conscious experiences happen both within and outside the brain, and can science solve the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness? At this year’s Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. The debate will be chaired by David Malone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofSUaZOW9h8 Callees who predict who … Read more