Prof Hamamoto interviews James W Lee (AKA “APlaneTruth”) RE Cultural Forensics and Occulted Wildly Interesting Alt Californian History

Cultural Forensics and Occulted Wildly Interesting Alt Californian History

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Original Purpose of the Pyramids — The Only Theory to address all aspects of all pyramids — summary 2023-05

Original Purpose of the Pyramids

Myth of Invariance – Origin of Gods, Math, Music from Veda to Plato

“The Myth of Invariance: Origin of Gods, Math, Music from Veda to Plato” is a concept that delves into the interconnectedness of mythology, mathematics, and music across different cultures and civilizations, from ancient Vedic traditions to the philosophy of Plato and beyond. Here’s an overview of some key aspects of this concept: 1. **Mythology and … Read more

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Lloyd Pye, Brien Foerster & Jerry Wills – 2 hours, Red Ice

Lloyd Pye is a researcher, author and lecturer. His subject areas include Intervention Theory, Hominoids, human origins and the Starchild Skull. Brien Foerster is a professional sculptor and author known for his research on the megalithic sites of South America. He is also the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas, south of … Read more

Sensible, Clear Truth About Pyramids 2014 — Stephen Mehler   Stephen Mehler is an author and researcher known for his work on ancient Egyptian spirituality and esoteric traditions. In his book “The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology,” Mehler presents his perspective on the ancient Egyptian civilization and its monuments, including the pyramids. Mehler’s approach to the pyramids differs from more mainstream … Read more

Sensible, Clear Truth About Pyramids — Dr Samir, Bosnian Pyramids on Veritas


If you watch one thing about pyramids, this should be it. There are two more.   “Veritas” is a multimedia platform that explores a wide range of topics, including alternative science, spirituality, and conspiracy theories. In 2014, they featured an interview with Dr. Sam Osmanagich, who is known for his controversial claims about the … Read more

Things Egyptologists wont say, Pyramids, Conspiracies. Stephen Mehler

mehler Stephen Mehler is an alternative Egyptologist and author known for his unconventional theories about ancient Egypt and the pyramids. He has written extensively on topics such as ancient Egyptian spirituality, the origins of the Sphinx, and the construction techniques of the pyramids. Mehler’s work often challenges mainstream Egyptology and explores alternative interpretations of archaeological … Read more

Dr. Semir Osmanagich – Pyramids Around The World (hundreds of thousands!)

Over 100,000 suspected pyramids just in Mexican jungles alone.  … prevalent as power substations…..   Dr. Semir Osmanagich, also known as “the Bosnian Indiana Jones,” is a Bosnian-American author, researcher, and businessman who gained international attention for his controversial claims regarding ancient pyramids. He is primarily known for his work in … Read more

Ancient Hidden Technology Use of Sound   The concept of ancient hidden technology using sound involves the idea that various ancient civilizations possessed advanced knowledge of acoustics and harnessed sound for practical and mystical purposes. This encompasses a wide range of applications, from constructing megalithic structures to healing practices and spiritual rituals. While some claims are speculative and not widely … Read more