The Human Diet 2020, Scripture, Spirit

lymph   === The Essenes were an ancient Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus Christ, though there is some debate among scholars about their precise beliefs and practices. Here’s a brief overview: 1. **Essenes Gospel**: The term “Essenes Gospel” is not commonly used in scholarly discussions. It’s possible that you’re referring to … Read more

Music, Frequencies Effects on Body and Mind — Tavistock, Pop Cult, Taylor Swift (Dec 2023) Mike Williams / Sage of Quay


Frequencies Effects on Body and Mind

THE BODY MAGNETIC — PHYSICAL SOURCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE PARANORMAL AND SURVIVAL — James E Beichler, The Parapsychological Association Convention 2012


We Are Frequency – Tuning in with Tuning Forks – with Eileen McKusick – Conversations with Cambell Purvis (AUTODIDACTIC youtuber)

Eileen McKusick Cambell Purvis

Tuning in with Tuning Forks

Vibration as Control Mechanism

Vibration as Control Mechanism – Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a controversial concept that refers to the purported ability to remotely monitor and manipulate the neural activity of individuals using advanced technology, typically without their consent or awareness

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions – Manly P Hall

Manly P. Hall was a prolific author, lecturer, and philosopher known for his extensive writings on a wide range of esoteric and metaphysical topics. While he explored various aspects of spirituality, symbolism, and ancient wisdom traditions, there is no direct evidence to suggest that he specifically delved into the topic of the magnetic fields of … Read more