Sound Satsang – “Sounds of the Earth” 23 Apr 2024

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Sounds of the Earth, Sound Satsang

Microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi as causal or contributive to macular degeneration, cataracts and vision ailments

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Macular degeneration.  Microwave radiation from wifi, cellphones is the largest environmental contaminant that the cell companies never want you to realize is the true culprit. The effects of microwave radiation on eye health, particularly its potential role in causing macular degeneration and cataracts, are areas of ongoing research and debate. Here’s a detailed explanation … Read more

Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease reveal a Generalized Biophysical Principle: the GM scale

electrosmog towers

Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease

BrainMap — Mind Control MKULTRA — “Touchless Torture, Target Humanity” — James W Lee docu


Mind Control MKULTRA — “Touchless Torture, Target Humanity” — James W Lee docu

Mark Devlin: “Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections” May 2023


Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Suggested ways to immediately improve sound quality in home stereo systems

ways to immediately improve sound quality in home stereo systems

Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear


Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Blood Brain and Biology

EMF Blood

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Blood Brain and Biology

“Earthing”, Electrical Grounding and the Power Grid — Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go?


“Earthing”, Electrical Grounding and the Power Grid — Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go?

This is what EMR and EMF are doing to your blood right now and what you can do about it


what EMR and EMF are doing to your blood right now

Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life


Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life

Sound. DNA. Life. Cymatics. The Study No One Talks About


Sound. DNA. Life. Cymatics.

Symphony! The Inheritors Stole The Music! It Was Composed by Giants! — Martin Liedtke — Scores, Instruments, Bridges, Cannonballs, Bells

Something About Bells

Inheritors Stole The Music

The indefatigable Preston Nichols explains what not long ago was the next step in digital sound on this planet

Next Step in Digital Sound on this Planet

Vibration as Control Mechanism

Vibration as Control Mechanism – Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a controversial concept that refers to the purported ability to remotely monitor and manipulate the neural activity of individuals using advanced technology, typically without their consent or awareness