Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease reveal a Generalized Biophysical Principle: the GM scale

electrosmog towers

Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

The Human Diet 2020, Scripture, Spirit


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2YOo1kJV74   === The Essenes were an ancient Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus Christ, though there is some debate among scholars about their precise beliefs and practices. Here’s a brief overview: 1. **Essenes Gospel**: The term “Essenes Gospel” is not commonly used in scholarly discussions. It’s possible that you’re referring to … Read more

We Are Frequency – Tuning in with Tuning Forks – with Eileen McKusick – Conversations with Cambell Purvis (AUTODIDACTIC youtuber)

Eileen McKusick Cambell Purvis

Tuning in with Tuning Forks

Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light … Get cancer

DALL·E 2024 07 02 15.36.51 A dark conspiracy themed comic book montage. The background features shadowy ominous imagery with a mix of dark tones. Highlight elements of bad lig

Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light

Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions – Manly P Hall

Manly P. Hall was a prolific author, lecturer, and philosopher known for his extensive writings on a wide range of esoteric and metaphysical topics. While he explored various aspects of spirituality, symbolism, and ancient wisdom traditions, there is no direct evidence to suggest that he specifically delved into the topic of the magnetic fields of … Read more

Kerry Cassidy / Sharry Edwards – 17 January 2014


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y94OZsMNo0   Kerry Cassidy and Sharry Edwards are individuals known for their work in areas that intersect with alternative theories and practices, each with a distinct focus. ### Kerry Cassidy Kerry Cassidy is primarily known for her involvement in the field of conspiracy theories, particularly those related to UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and secret government projects. … Read more

nanoVoice Voice Profiling – freeware

Voice telltales disease.   NanoVoice is a micro-version of our professional nVoice Personality Profiler which uses frequency-based biomarkers within the frequencies of your voice to allow you an enlightening peek into your Secret Self. NanoVoice can help you understand and solve issues using unconscious levels of awareness. This innovative technology is the forefront of future … Read more

BioAcoustics – What the Voice Tells


State of Health revealed by voice. Sound making and sound discerning account for 30% of brain volume. It is that important. Body posture helps set presence, state of mind and being. No doubt the voice does as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haETzdgRcn4&index=43   Bioacoustics is a branch of science that deals with the study of sound production, transmission, … Read more

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds that Advance Consciousness

Develop Psychic and Spiritual Gifts through Sounds – Learn secrets of how sound was mysteriously used for powerful benefits and psychic development in ancient Egypt, China and with the Tibetan monks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iFl8vOBBF0     “Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds that Advance Consciousness” likely refers to the exploration of the therapeutic potential of … Read more

Ancient Secrets on Resonance

New Science and Ancient Technologies from a conference in 2000 Randy Masters discusses his research on pyramid chamber resonance as well as connections to healing and Tibetan bells, cosmic radiation and effects of sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xRQ_ma6Tp8   Resonance, especially in the context of ancient civilizations, carries deep significance and has been a subject of intrigue for … Read more

A Music Historian Reflects


Richard Taruskin reflects on the historiography of music and its embrace of a Whiggish paradigm that he argues has had a deleterious effect on the value and practice of music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uxIZgVHjdk   Richard Taruskin (1945-2022) was a profoundly influential musicologist and critic known for his extensive work on the historiography of music, among many other … Read more

Vibrational Sound Healing, Mark Romero

By eliminating the static and noise in our lives we can then effortlessly break free of the negative influences in our environment, and of the limiting thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that are holding us back from the life we truly desire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbzkwZezz  5A Published on Jul 24, 2013 This exclusive interview with Mark Romero and co-hosted … Read more