The Secret Power of Music The Transformation of Self and Society through Musical Energy
The Secret Power of Music The Transformation of Self and Society through Musical Energy
goodness comes to those who vibrate
The Secret Power of Music The Transformation of Self and Society through Musical Energy
Music Will Get Worse – Music Has Gotten Worse – Dr. Richard Day, a prominent physician and professor of pediatrics, is said to be the original presenter of the information that “music will get worse”. He allegedly made these statements at a conference in 1969. Dr. Day was the National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood and reportedly spoke about various topics related to the New World Order, including the claim that “music will get worse.”
Modes of Music Matter – Tone and Resonance as Method of Social Control and much more
Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia
Occultism and Social Engineering
Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series
Mark Devlin on The Great 20th Century Music Con