It’s funny to see all these people finally catching-on.  Dr. Leonard Horowitz published his “MUSICAL CULT CONTROL” paper, what, almost 20 years ago.  And he was not the first to sound warning.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt3EAPDn-Ug

“Before 1900 there was no coordinated effort to standardize the pitch.” stated at ~45 seconds in — a little vague.  Chinese manuscripts note emperor’s tone teams, going village-to-village, setting the tone standard of the bells, gongs.  Warnings about mode of music which also presumably includes its base tone go back very long ago:

“Music directly represents the passions of states of the soul – gentleness, anger, courage, temperance…if one listens to the wrong kind of music he will become the wrong kind of person…” – ARISTOTLE, Politics, 8, 1340

“…through foolishness they, the people, deceived themselves into thinking that there was no right or wrong in music, that it was to be judged good or bad by the pleasure it gave…a spirit of law breaking.” – The Laws of Plato, Vol III, Univ. Chicago Press, 700c 1980 p 86

“If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well-governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” – Confucius

“The introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperilling the whole state.” – PLATO, REPUBLIC

SEE ALSO https://soundquality.org/?s=jamie+buturff


Dr. Leonard Horowitz has written extensively on topics he believes are at the intersection of health, science, and conspiracy, including the impact of frequencies on human health and behavior.

The paper you’re referring to, often associated with the concept of “musical cult control,” delves into the idea that certain frequencies, musical scales, and rhythms can have profound effects on human psychology and physiology, potentially being used for manipulation and control. Horowitz argues that historical and modern uses of music and specific frequencies can influence human emotions, decision-making, and even physical well-being, suggesting that these tools have been and can be used by governments, religious organizations, and others in positions of power for subtle control or influence over populations.

This concept ties into broader discussions about the impact of music and sound frequencies on human health and behavior, a topic that has legitimate scientific interest, particularly in the fields of music therapy, neurology, and psychology. Studies in these areas have explored how music can affect mood, stress levels, physical coordination, and healing processes, among other effects.


A440 vs A432

The debate between A440 Hz and A432 Hz tuning is a fascinating and sometimes controversial topic within music theory, history, and culture. It touches on aspects of acoustics, the impact of music on human psychology and physiology, and even conspiracy theories related to musical “cult control.” Here’s an overview of the main points in this discussion:

A440 Hz Standard Tuning

Definition: A440 Hz tuning means that the note A above middle C is tuned to vibrate at 440 cycles per second. This has been the international standard for musical pitch since the mid-20th century.
Adoption: The adoption of A440 Hz as a standard was recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1955 (ISO 16:1975). The standardization was intended to facilitate consistent musical pitch across different instruments and locations.

A432 Hz Tuning

Definition: A432 Hz tuning sets the A above middle C at 432 cycles per second, slightly lower than the A440 Hz standard.
Claims: Proponents of A432 Hz tuning argue that it is more harmonious with the natural frequencies of the universe and the human body, suggesting it promotes greater wellbeing and resonance with the listener’s environment. Some supporters also believe A432 Hz tuning has been used historically in ancient cultures and possesses healing properties.

The Debate

Musical Cult Control: Some theories suggest that the adoption of A440 Hz was part of a broader agenda to exert control or influence societal behaviors, moods, or even consciousness through music. These theories often cite the work of researchers and theorists who have proposed that certain frequencies have a direct impact on human psychology or physiology.
Scientific Evidence: There is limited scientific evidence to conclusively support the claims that A432 Hz tuning possesses unique healing properties or that A440 Hz has negative effects on listeners. The subjective experience of music listening and the emotional response to music can vary widely among individuals, complicating efforts to scientifically assess the impact of these tuning standards.
Historical Usage: Historical research indicates that there was considerable variation in pitch standards prior to the adoption of A440 Hz. Tuning standards varied by time period, location, and even between different musical ensembles. The choice of A440 Hz was largely a practical decision for standardization rather than one based on inherent superiority.


The A440 vs. A432 Hz debate encapsulates a broader discussion about the role of music in society, the influence of frequency and vibration on human health and consciousness, and the historical evolution of musical standards. While intriguing, many of the more speculative claims about the impact of these tuning standards on human wellness or societal control lack rigorous scientific validation. Nonetheless, the discussion continues to inspire research, experimentation, and debate within both the scientific and music communities, reflecting the deep and multifaceted relationship between humans and music.

3 thoughts on “A440 vs A432 MUSICAL CULT CONTROL”

  1. From comments — “I am a musician. I listened carefully as songs were played in both frequencies. The only way I can describe what I felt was the difference is that 432 Hz feels more ‘authentic’ and possibly a bit ‘warmer’ to my ear, and the 440 Hz has an oddly ‘flat surface’ type of sound which feels ‘colder’ and definitely more ‘mechanical’. This is the best I can do. Which do I prefer? Definitely the 432 Hz. Even when a single note is played the 440 feels metallic and machine-like. Please be aware that the impressions I had were EXTREMELY subtle.

  2. Six years ago, I was diagnosed with end-stage liver failure caused by trauma from a car accident- they gave me a 15% chance of living two months. I already played acoustic guitar, but I used 440. I actually messed it up without realizing it, and changed the setting on my sound hole tuner to 432, and I started feeling better. Not immediately or anything like that- but enough to keep me going, and I’ve been putting in hours of practice a day, both playing and singing, and I managed to not only survive, but to avoid having a liver transplant. I can’t prove that the music was the one thing that healed it, but it certainly didn’t hurt- and a big dreadnaught sound box right against your body certainly drives those vibrations into you.

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