Three of the most important living Pyramid Luminaries together enjoyed the Ravne Tunnels near the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko, Bosnia — tag along, learn up

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Pyramid Luminaries

Why Pyramids Work — The Electrical Function of Pyramids, detailed by Dan Winter with Dr Sam Osmanagich

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The Electrical Function of Pyramids – Explored with Implosive Vortex Math Maven DAN WINTER.

Kids Lose Their SOUL! Until Scientists Learn the Electrical Engineering of Ensoulment w Dan Winter

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Kids Lose Their SOUL! Until Scientists Learn the Electrical Engineering of Ensoulment w Dan Winter.

Mark Devlin: “Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections” May 2023


Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

The Human Diet 2020, Scripture, Spirit

lymph   === The Essenes were an ancient Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus Christ, though there is some debate among scholars about their precise beliefs and practices. Here’s a brief overview: 1. **Essenes Gospel**: The term “Essenes Gospel” is not commonly used in scholarly discussions. It’s possible that you’re referring to … Read more

What is Sound Healing and How Does It Work?


Sound Healing

Some of What Music Is Really Used For

What Music Is Really Used For

Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life


Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe

cia brain

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization – Hemi-Sync, short for Hemispheric Synchronization, is a patented audio technology developed by The Monroe Institute, a research organization focused on consciousness exploration and human potential. Hemi-Sync uses a form of binaural beats, which involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear to create the perception of a third frequency, known as the binaural beat, in the brain.

Binauralists take note — Monaural not binaural beat-frequency mixing is found superior — research, audio files, and Eileen McKusick ..what could be better?

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Monaural not binaural beat-frequency mixing is found superior

Probably why mourning is natural …and vital 2023 — ASTRAL TRAVEL, REMOTE VIEWING & OBE: Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter at Portal to Ascension


Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter

Ancient Wisdom Revealed By Miami Burial Mound


Ancient Wisdom Revealed By Miami Burial Mound

Esoteric Nature of Music (1977 VHS)

Musical Mood Wheel

Esoteric Nature of Music

Excellent – INVERSION is truth of Dark Forces — Vegetable Disclosure. Is This The Biggest Conspiracy? – Tartaria Australia


Vegetable Disclosure

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics — EXCELLENT Overview of Principles, Aspects

Radiethesia Principles Overview

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics

THE BODY MAGNETIC — PHYSICAL SOURCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE PARANORMAL AND SURVIVAL — James E Beichler, The Parapsychological Association Convention 2012