Un-Debunking the Bosnian Pyramids – Concise summary showing irrefutable evidence of Bosnian Pyramids by Paul Cook
Un-Debunking the Bosnian Pyramids – Concise summary showing irrefutable evidence of Bosnian Pyramids by Paul Cook.
goodness comes to those who vibrate
Un-Debunking the Bosnian Pyramids – Concise summary showing irrefutable evidence of Bosnian Pyramids by Paul Cook.
A guided exploration of the Ravne tunnels surrounding Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.
Why Pyramids Work Electrical Function of Pyramids detailed by Dan Winter with Dr Sam Osmanagich A “shem unto the Lord” is an electrical charge machine. 100,000 pyramids, nearly all buried in jungles, in Central America. The Electrical Function of Pyramids: Insights from Dr Samir Osmanagich and Michael Tellinger The allure of pyramids has captivated human … Read more
Kids Lose Their SOUL! Until Scientists Learn the Electrical Engineering of Ensoulment w Dan Winter.
Monaural not binaural beat-frequency mixing is found superior