Sound Satsang – “Sounds of the Earth” 23 Apr 2024

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Sounds of the Earth, Sound Satsang

“Earthing”, Electrical Grounding and the Power Grid — Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go?


“Earthing”, Electrical Grounding and the Power Grid — Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go?

Sound Light Frequency Healing – Eileen McKusick Autodidactic

Integrative Healing

Sound Light Frequency Healing

Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions – Manly P Hall

Manly P. Hall was a prolific author, lecturer, and philosopher known for his extensive writings on a wide range of esoteric and metaphysical topics. While he explored various aspects of spirituality, symbolism, and ancient wisdom traditions, there is no direct evidence to suggest that he specifically delved into the topic of the magnetic fields of … Read more

Ground Resistance Testing (real world experiment) with Electrical Code Expert Mike Holt

“Stray current” is a real danger.     Ground resistance testing is a crucial aspect of electrical safety and compliance with electrical codes. The process involves measuring the resistance of the grounding system to ensure that it meets the required standards for electrical safety. In a real-world experiment with electrical code expert Mike Holt, … Read more