“Reincarney” — Taylor Swift, an interesting gematrical decoding …and more

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“Reincarney” captures the carnival-like atmosphere of the Taylor Swift phenomenon, coupled with undertones of enchantment and perhaps sorcery. Her shocking likeness to Zeena LaVey, daughter of the Church of Satan’s founder, should perhaps not be lightly dismissed.

Being real — When 50 bars of “drum solo” is 52 bars too many — The full-stymie of musical groove following inevitable devolution into full-swing drum-batting, or: Anti-Musical Foiblishness — Is it kind of like rock-climbing with farm equipment?

full swing batter

Anti-Musical Foiblishness

Mark Devlin: “Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections” May 2023


Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections

Roots of Antinomian Music, Unspun 132, Jan Irvin, Dr Hans Utter – Sex, Self, Cybernetics — MKULTRA Intel community BRAIN database, compiled over years, extensive, deep

antinomian music

Roots of Antinomian Music

Lenon Honor discusses “Beyond Gangster Blackface” — Language, Programming, Belief, Behavior, Outlook, Future


Beyond Gangster Blackface

Demonic Onslaught of Clowns – Coming thru Media, Music …microwaves? – Many shared similiarities in comments


Demonic Onslaught of Clowns