Demonic Onslaught of Clowns – Coming thru Media, Music …microwaves? – Many shared similiarities in comments

Demonic Onslaught of Clowns

From the comments — “Over 39 years ago when I was a teen I inhaled the gas from a fragrance spray can and was instantly transported to a black and white checkered room and met jesters and become a jester trapped in a Infinite time loop. I saw playing cards and chess pieces and live was all a cosmic joke. It’s weird I saw all this before the days of internet or before I knew anything about other people see the same thing.”

“This whole phenomena, it’s really interesting when you look into it…” — part 3, 1:10 in

Pueblo Indian jesters

Here’s a really interesting look at clowns, the history of clowns, and an exploration of nephilim and ‘demons as clowns’ —

Some Hollywood movies identify the demonic horde as “we are legion”.

Catholic exorcists reportedly never more in number, nor busier.

A few years ago the sci-joke about CERN was that it admitted to being a potential gateway, doorway for aetherial energies, perhaps demonica depending upon viewpoint.

Understanding Conspiracy youtube channel offers quite a bit concerning the nephilim / clown theory

See also CONSPIRACY-R-US youtube channel —


The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns

The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns 2

The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns 3

Comments from video (part 3)

“Look into G CRAIGE LEWIS Ex-Ministries outing of music as pathway of demonica…particularly his early videos about BONE THUGS IN HARMONY and their backwards writing — the music cast the demons in; music must be used to cast demons out. Why do you think the religious HYMNAL is so vital? The pipe organs in so many churches. See also JOHN TODD regarding summoning of diabolique and imbibing the musical recordings with evil intent.”

“SCREWTAPE LETTERS is all about devil and devil’s manager assigned to each human.”
“Don’t forget Captain Howdy, the clownful diabolique that infiltrated Regan in THE EXORCIST”
“You forgot to mention the Vatican’s Swiss Guard.”
JOHN WAYNE GACY serial killer (photographed w/ Pres Reagan and Nancy) was a clown, too. See the 300+ episode series PROGRAMMED TO KILL
Basel Switzerland Clowns
Home of IBS Intnl Bank Settlements — Tower of Basel — Tower of Babel

Vatican Swiss Guard

Vatican Swiss Guard


Hood Rats

Hood Rats

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