“Reincarney” — Taylor Swift, an interesting gematrical decoding …and more

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“Reincarney” captures the carnival-like atmosphere of the Taylor Swift phenomenon, coupled with undertones of enchantment and perhaps sorcery. Her shocking likeness to Zeena LaVey, daughter of the Church of Satan’s founder, should perhaps not be lightly dismissed.

Demonic Onslaught of Clowns – Coming thru Media, Music …microwaves? – Many shared similiarities in comments


Demonic Onslaught of Clowns

Some of What Music Is Really Used For

What Music Is Really Used For

Popularity of Music Genres — AI now reveals molding,melding and manipulation of modern music — Rick Beato: “You Won’t Believe These NEW Trends In Music”

music genre trends 1

Popularity of Music Genres — AI now reveals molding,melding and manipulation of modern music — Rick Beato: “You Won’t Believe These NEW Trends In Music”

Music Mafia – How Corruption and Greed Led to the Downfall of Rock Music – Jim Barber, Rick Beato


Music Mafia

Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia


Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia

Esoteric Nature of Music (1977 VHS)

Musical Mood Wheel

Esoteric Nature of Music

Interesting viewpoint – Upon Inversion Everything Suddenly Appears Refreshingly Sensible

Dave Chapelle Oprah

Upon Inversion Everything Suddenly Appears Refreshingly Sensible

The Occultology of The Beatles Apr 2019 – Sage of Quay – Richard Balducci

1eye symbolism

The Occultology of The Beatles Apr 2019 – Sage of Quay – Richard Balducci

The Mind Control Manipulations of the Illuminati Music Industry – Mark Devlin – New Horizons 2014

Mind Control Manipulations of the Illuminati Music Industry

Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5 – Dr Hans Utter Interview – #236 Gnostic Media

Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5

Esoteric Discussions with Neil Sanders the Manipulation of Hip Hop

Author and lecturer Neil Sanders joins me live on the show as we discuss the deliberate erosion of Hip and Hop and Rap through techniques of mind control and media manipulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYFLKuJ2vng   Neil Sanders is known for his exploration of various forms of mass manipulation, including the influence of media and entertainment industries on … Read more