Anti Musical Foiblishness Being real When 50 bars of Drum Solo is 52 bars too many

Full Swing Batter

Anti Musical Foiblishness

Dynamics in Drumming, an Entire Dimension far too long squashed and squandered — Everything usually “Maximized” boosting every whisper to scream-volume


Dynamics in Drumming, an Entire Dimension far too long squashed and squandered — Everything usually “Maximized” boosting every whisper to scream-volume

Replacing Ringo – “There are four drummers on the Beatles music. Ringo is not one of them.” – Bernard Purdie, studio drummer


Replacing Ringo – “There are four drummers on the Beatles music. Ringo is not one of them.” – Bernard Purdie, studio drummer

Esoteric Nature of Music (1977 VHS)

Musical Mood Wheel

Esoteric Nature of Music