Startling Absence of Dynamic Dimension diminishes Musicality
Startling Absence of Dynamic Dimension diminishes Musicality – “…compressed and less expressive.”
Startling Absence of Dynamic Dimension diminishes Musicality – “…compressed and less expressive.”
Music Will Get Worse – Music Has Gotten Worse – Dr. Richard Day, a prominent physician and professor of pediatrics, is said to be the original presenter of the information that “music will get worse”. He allegedly made these statements at a conference in 1969. Dr. Day was the National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood and reportedly spoke about various topics related to the New World Order, including the claim that “music will get worse.”
Anti Musical Foiblishness
Music will get worse
Popularity of Music Genres — AI now reveals molding,melding and manipulation of modern music — Rick Beato: “You Won’t Believe These NEW Trends In Music”
Dynamics in Drumming, an Entire Dimension far too long squashed and squandered — Everything usually “Maximized” boosting every whisper to scream-volume
Michael Omartian: One of the Unsung Giants of Music – Rick Beato — “These interviews should be in the Library of Congress” — great info on true session musicianship
Alison Krauss is THE gold standard in pitch control
Outstanding Sound Of Mick Fleetwood
Homogenization of DMB Sound
Insight into Why the Musical Magic of Muscle Shoals
Musical rhythm spectra from Bach to Joplin obey a 1 over F power law