Demystifying Hip Hop and Electronic Dance Music – Mark Devlin UnSpun 077


Demystifying Hip Hop and Electronic Dance Music

Lenon Honor discusses “Beyond Gangster Blackface” — Language, Programming, Belief, Behavior, Outlook, Future


Beyond Gangster Blackface

Some of What Music Is Really Used For

What Music Is Really Used For

Popularity of Music Genres — AI now reveals molding,melding and manipulation of modern music — Rick Beato: “You Won’t Believe These NEW Trends In Music”

Music Genre Trends

Popularity of Music Genres — AI now reveals molding,melding and manipulation of modern music — Rick Beato: “You Won’t Believe These NEW Trends In Music”

Interesting viewpoint – Upon Inversion Everything Suddenly Appears Refreshingly Sensible

Dave Chapelle Oprah

Upon Inversion Everything Suddenly Appears Refreshingly Sensible

From Four or Five Pro DJ’s to Inumerable – How the July 1977 Summer of Sam Blackout in NYC contributed mightily to the sudden rise of Hip-Hop

How the July 1977 Summer of Sam Blackout in NYC contributed mightily to the sudden rise of Hip-Hop