Digging Behind, Beneath Chicago’s ARC Music Festival — sudden, massive, powerful, yet corporately ‘unclaimed’ — authentic and organic, or another psyop?

Summary — This thing was developed and is put-on by individuals and groups seemingly unknown and comparatively hidden from the public .. focusing on a class of music revealed as easily, readily and often polluted with MKULTRA mechanisms of mind-control, social-engineering, subliminals perhaps in terms of rhythms and at least in terms of A440 scale … Read more

Not claiming This is True, but it’s definitely an interesting viewpoint — Upon Inversion, Everything Suddenly Appears Refreshingly Sensible

The Powers That Shouldn’t Be constantly seek to pervert and invert perception. Therefore, inverting perception –presumably — reverts closer to if not exactly to original reality, before Their corruption/inversion.  Insanity and Incompetence suddenly make sense. This video does just that — “CIA AGENT ADMITS HIP HOP WAS A PSY-OP DESIGNED TO CORRUPT THE YOUTH AND … Read more