Having removed measures from direct human perception, They can now beguile by changing time, distance, weight — NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures — “There is a fight [over] time; they’re trying to change time” – Dr Astrid Stuckelberger

CERN beings thru portal

NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures

Mark Devlin outs musical mind-control mechanisms, for the thousandth time – with Maria Nikolaidi, March 2023

Mark Devlin outs musical mind-control mechanisms

The Occultology of The Beatles Apr 2019 – Sage of Quay – Richard Balducci

1eye symbolism

The Occultology of The Beatles Apr 2019 – Sage of Quay – Richard Balducci

Mark Devlin on The Great 20th Century Music Con

Mark Devlin on The Great 20th Century Music Con

TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)


Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy – Dr Joseph Farrell

Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy