Particles from ionizing radiation are slow, few and far-between — Microwave radiation from wifi, cellphones, smart-meters is cacophonic onslaught in all directions all at once, over 2 billion times per second

Fantastic quote from the comments — ” We’re taught to think of ionizing radiation as ‘more dangerous’ but it’s not true. Electromagnetic radiation from wifi and cellphones blasts out in all directions at the speed of light (or nearly so) all at once, and at over 2 billion times per second – like a giga … Read more

Microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi as causal or contributive to macular degeneration, cataracts and vision ailments

Macular degeneration.  Microwave radiation from wifi, cellphones is the largest environmental contaminant that the cell companies never want you to realize is the true culprit. The effects of microwave radiation on eye health, particularly its potential role in causing macular degeneration and cataracts, are areas of ongoing research and debate. Here’s a detailed explanation … Read more

Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices cause red blood cells to stack like Pringles or Oreo cookies in “Rouleaux” formation; stacked blood cells reduce capillary blood flow, may clot and cause systemic pain from lowered oxygen and waste buildup   The first part of this short video shows red blood cells that have been stacked in Rouleaux formation due to environmental “esmog” exposure to the nearly omnipresent microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices. The second half of this short video shows red blood cells from the same person after enjoying ten … Read more

Explosive military document shows true effects of 5G

Released 1994 in final dire warning before 1997 onslaught of cellular phone industry hockey-stick growth.   PDF — RF MW Radiation Biological Effects Safety Standards Scott M Bolen 1994 ADA282886 The report titled “Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review” by Scott M. Bolen, published in June 1994 by the Rome Laboratory … Read more

Searching for the Perfect Wave: The Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on Cells

Searching for the Perfect Wave — biological effect of RF electromagnetic fields SOURCE Choice snippets:   Abstract: There is a growing concern in the population about the effects that environmental exposure to any source of “uncontrolled” radiation may have on public health. Anxiety arises from the controversial knowledge about the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) … Read more

Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear

1st real trace / published information about persistent low-frequency environmental hum — 1973: Loudness and annoyance due to low-frequency sound, such as the Taos Hum or other similar phenomena, can have significant impacts on individuals and communities. Here’s how: 1. **Perceptual Effects**: Low-frequency sound waves can be perceived differently by individuals compared to higher-frequency sounds. … Read more

This is what EMR and EMF are doing to your blood right now and what you can do about it

Carolyn Mansfield Photonics When you understand the work of Dr Pollack into EZ WATER, liquid-crystal structured water, the 4th phase of water, and its explanation for the capillary flow of blood, then the information in this video becomes more horrifying logarithmically.   NORMAL BLOOD   UNHEALTHY / CLUMPED / STACKED BLOOD AFTER EXPOSURE TO … Read more

Is this unfortunate child being ‘slow-cooked’ alive ? Microwave overexposure + extreme microwave sensitivity / allergy ?

He does appear to have a kind of “sunburn”, and is not microwave radiation overexposure sunburn of another kind? The ailment has been labeled “EB” by the many brightest minds, specialists, etc. But, is the cause Possibly instead simply an allergic reaction to microwave radiation? Dr Devra Davis has identified microwaves as splitting DNA and … Read more