Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear


Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear

Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms


Michael J. Hove, Céline Marie, Ian C. Bruce, and Laurel J. Trainor PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print June 30, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/25/1402039111.full.pdf+html   The statement you provided suggests that there may be a relationship between the perception of time and musical pitch, particularly in the context of rhythm perception and bass-ranged instruments. Here’s an … Read more

Why do they make the bass strings wound in the first place?

Increased mass. ————- Scott Wallace Bass strings are wound to make them heavier but still remain elastic. Plain metal (or nylon, or gut) strings don’t sound good in the bass. —————- Brian Coverstone There are three things that change the pitch of the string. The string thickness, the length, and the tightness. When you tune … Read more