Boiling Water with Resonance — Dumas Effect, Peter Davies, George Wiseman, Stanley Meyer


Boiling Water with Resonance

We Are Frequency – Tuning in with Tuning Forks – with Eileen McKusick – Conversations with Cambell Purvis (AUTODIDACTIC youtuber)

Eileen McKusick Cambell Purvis

Tuning in with Tuning Forks

Ancient Hidden Technology Use of Sound   The concept of ancient hidden technology using sound involves the idea that various ancient civilizations possessed advanced knowledge of acoustics and harnessed sound for practical and mystical purposes. This encompasses a wide range of applications, from constructing megalithic structures to healing practices and spiritual rituals. While some claims are speculative and not widely … Read more

Why do they make the bass strings wound in the first place?

Increased mass. ————- Scott Wallace Bass strings are wound to make them heavier but still remain elastic. Plain metal (or nylon, or gut) strings don’t sound good in the bass. —————- Brian Coverstone There are three things that change the pitch of the string. The string thickness, the length, and the tightness. When you tune … Read more

Visoko, Enigma of the Bosnian Pyramids, Huger and Deeper than Giza

This is probably the most important geological discovery and work in this lifetime. It is accessible, unlike Egypt. Several pyramids in the Bosnian complex are arranged in specific geometric pattern.     Visoko, often referred to as the “Enigma of the Bosnian Pyramids,” is a town located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It gained international … Read more

The Sounds of the Universe – Professor Carolin Crawford

In space no-one can hear you scream… but it is still a noisy Universe. We are familiar with the many stunning images of space, but these are only part of the whole human experience. This lecture takes a new approach to appreciating the Universe, through the vehicle of sound. Once we understand how sound is … Read more

David Sereda & Pyramid Technology

5151 is a vibrational address. David Sereda explains findings about Giza and quantum entanglement. Spooky action at a distance, encoded or entrained by vibrations (and not necessarily distance). ~15 minutes in, info about 51’51. 5.151 MHz, etc.   David Sereda is a researcher and author known for his exploration of various scientific and metaphysical … Read more

Magic of Water – Dr Emoto

Uploaded on Aug 3, 2008 Welcome to the World of Water!  A world of which every living entity shares a part, and yet about which we know significantly little… Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically, changed most of what we didn’t know and led to … Read more

Ancient Secrets on Resonance

New Science and Ancient Technologies from a conference in 2000 Randy Masters discusses his research on pyramid chamber resonance as well as connections to healing and Tibetan bells, cosmic radiation and effects of sound.   Resonance, especially in the context of ancient civilizations, carries deep significance and has been a subject of intrigue for … Read more