Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

“Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form” is a concept that explores the relationship between sound, geometry, and the fundamental patterns of the universe. It suggests that sound vibrations and frequencies have a profound impact on the structure and organization of matter, influencing the formation of geometric patterns and shapes. Here’s an overview of … Read more

Jamie Buturff – The A=432Hz Chakra Tones Explained     Jamie Buturff is a researcher and proponent of tuning musical instruments to a pitch of A=432 Hz, as opposed to the more standard A=440 Hz, which is widely used in the music industry today. The tuning of A=432 Hz is often referred to as “Verdi’s A,” named after the Italian composer Giuseppe … Read more

Ancient Egypt Alchemy, Phi, & The Human Body – Danny Wilten

Mathematical ratio Fibonacci sequence Golden ratio 1.618 0.618 PHI Dan Winter MERU Foundation implosion resonance conjugation     Danny Wilten explores the intersection of ancient Egyptian alchemy, the golden ratio (phi), and its potential relationship with the human body. While specific details of Wilten’s work on this topic may vary, here are some general … Read more

Vortex Based Mathematics Presentation starring Marko Rodin & Randy Powell — Enneagram of Gurdjieff

The Vortex Based Mathematics (VBM) Presentation featuring Marko Rodin and Randy Powell explores the mathematical principles and concepts proposed by Marko Rodin, who developed a unique mathematical framework based on vortex mathematics. This presentation delves into Rodin’s theories about the fundamental nature of numbers, geometry, and the universe, as well as their potential applications in … Read more