Phi Vortex Based Mathematics Torus Array   “Phi Vortex Based Mathematics Torus Array” appears to be a concept that combines several mathematical and geometric principles: 1. **Phi (φ)**: Phi, also known as the Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion, is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 1.618033988749895. It appears in various natural phenomena and is often associated with aesthetic beauty and … Read more

Jamie Buturff – The A=432Hz Chakra Tones Explained     Jamie Buturff is a researcher and proponent of tuning musical instruments to a pitch of A=432 Hz, as opposed to the more standard A=440 Hz, which is widely used in the music industry today. The tuning of A=432 Hz is often referred to as “Verdi’s A,” named after the Italian composer Giuseppe … Read more

Vortex Based Mathematics Presentation, Marko Rodin & Randy Powell

Numerology, the number 9, and much more. A new way to conceptualize with number theory.   Vortex Based Mathematics (VBM) is a theoretical framework proposed by Marko Rodin that explores the mathematical patterns underlying the universe, particularly focusing on the role of vortex dynamics. Randy Powell has also contributed to the promotion and dissemination … Read more

Music From Flame and Plasma — ERIC DOLLARD

2021 ESTC     Eric Dollard is an electrical engineer and researcher known for his work in the field of electrical engineering and alternative energy. He has made contributions to the study of electromagnetic phenomena and the development of electrical technologies. Dollard has also explored various unconventional theories related to energy, electromagnetism, and the … Read more

Excellent video about the Cardioid Curve, Tesla, Rodin Vortex Math and Nature   The cardioid curve is a fascinating mathematical concept with connections to various fields, including physics, engineering, and nature. It is a specific type of mathematical curve derived from the shape of a cardioid, which resembles a heart shape. The term “cardioid” comes from the Greek word “kardia,” meaning heart. Nikola Tesla, the renowned … Read more