Light is Weird — on nature’s reality


Light is Weird

Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Rupert Sheldrake — Bioresonance with Soul, Mind, Consciousness


Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains

Focused Mass Attention Sways Random – A Random Noise Antenna / Generator Princeton Noosphere Egg


Focused Mass Attention Sways Random

The Quantum Mechanics Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret


The Quantum Mechanics Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe

cia brain

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization – Hemi-Sync, short for Hemispheric Synchronization, is a patented audio technology developed by The Monroe Institute, a research organization focused on consciousness exploration and human potential. Hemi-Sync uses a form of binaural beats, which involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear to create the perception of a third frequency, known as the binaural beat, in the brain.

Probably why mourning is natural …and vital 2023 — ASTRAL TRAVEL, REMOTE VIEWING & OBE: Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter at Portal to Ascension


Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter

Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia


Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia