Having removed measures from direct human perception, They can now beguile by changing time, distance, weight — NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures — “There is a fight [over] time; they’re trying to change time” – Dr Astrid Stuckelberger

CERN beings thru portal

NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures

Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Rupert Sheldrake — Bioresonance with Soul, Mind, Consciousness


Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains

Predictively-Programming the masses — Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series — “Trigger Effect” James Burke’s CONNECTIONS series, season 1, episode 1

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Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series

Big Bang, the Big Bluff – Prof Konstantin Meyl

The Big Bang is alleged to be the starting point of our universe. This theory, originally proposed by a Jesuit astronomer, is based on the Doppler Effect. All galaxies except our own, the Milk Way, are through our telescopes observed with a “redshift”, which made some physicists conclude that all other galaxies are moving away … Read more