How Noise Improves Computing and Digitized Audio

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How Noise Improves Computing and Digitized Audio

Having removed measures from direct human perception, They can now beguile by changing time, distance, weight — NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures — “There is a fight [over] time; they’re trying to change time” – Dr Astrid Stuckelberger

CERN beings thru portal

NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures

The Mathematical Problem with Music and How to Solve It — “Performance is an art of compromise” – Temperament, timbre, intonation, tuning, voice, tone

Equal Temperament ratios 20231015 101236

The Mathematical Problem with Music and How to Solve It

160000 watts of RUSH — How loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

160000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity – Eric Dollard

Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity Abstract “Originally, mankind was on a path that is in alignment with the harmonic natural laws of the universe. This was from the time of Pythagoreas up to Johann Sebastian Bach. Then, the big shift came. This divergence basically turned everything inside out. All of … Read more

Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness – Alexandre Tannous – Free Your Mind Conference 3 (2015-04)

Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness

Cardas Golden Ratio Guitar Pickups

Cardas Pickups

Cardas Golden Ratio Guitar Pickups Custom made body & hardware to George’s specifications by Borealis Guitars, then hotrodded with George’s own Golden Ratio Pickups and non-capacitive Golden Ratio tone control (ie, a tone control you’ll actually use).

The 49 Octaves of Sound and Light – aetherforce

Light & Color Healing presented by Thomas Joseph Brown – intro to Royal Raymond Rife and Dinshah Ghadiali work, and understand even more how biogeometry works. The concept of the “49 Octaves of Sound and Light” is a metaphysical theory that explores the relationship between sound, light, and consciousness. It is often associated … Read more