Unchoking the snare drum

Sound opens up (and changes) with increasing volume. Tang, ring, no overpowering overtones but an airiness. Buy those nice sticks 5A. Buy those nice sticks 7A.   A “choked” drum sound typically refers to a drum sound that lacks resonance and sustain, often resulting from a combination of factors such as tight tuning, muted playing … Read more

160,000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

The mention of one-hundred sixty thousand watts, holy cow, that’s huge! actually breaks down this way: Every doubling of power is represented as 3 dB, but it takes 10 dB difference to make something sound (to most humans) “twice as loud” or “twice as quiet”. So 160,000 watts sounds only about twice as loud as … Read more

Dynamics in Drumming, an Entire Dimension far too long squashed and squandered — Everything usually “Maximized” boosting every whisper to scream-volume

From the video comments — “It’s funny because far too many of the “pro” drum videos, MTV music videos, and actual pro performers, they essentially have Near-Zero dynamics and instead blast and belt away, fortissississississississimmmmmmmmmmo “ffff”, no FFFF, and more commonly full-freaking-blast, maximal arm-swings, baseball-bat sticks, real head-denting / cymbal-cracking FFFFFFFFFFF – and they get … Read more