Neil Peart unwittingly revealed a possible cause for his brain cancer? Bluetooth (microwave blasting) motorcycle helmet

From comments int the video —   “Around 34:00 in Neil reveals a possible cause for his brain cancer — 28,000 miles ridden in a year…28k miles wearing that motorcycle helmet with integrated bluetooth microwave head cooker. TOXI COM lists tens of thousands of military studies confirming microwaves cause biological harm, including cancer. Think about … Read more

THE BROWN SOUND | The Secret of the VAN HALEN Guitar Tone! Eddie Van Halen famous guitar sound.  How it was achieved.   The “brown sound” is a term often associated with the guitar tone of Eddie Van Halen, the legendary guitarist of the band Van Halen. It refers to the rich, warm, and distinctive tone that he achieved, particularly in the early days of the … Read more

160,000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

The mention of one-hundred sixty thousand watts, holy cow, that’s huge! actually breaks down this way: Every doubling of power is represented as 3 dB, but it takes 10 dB difference to make something sound (to most humans) “twice as loud” or “twice as quiet”. So 160,000 watts sounds only about twice as loud as … Read more