When High-End Audio jumps the shark — $250 beeswax filled AC mains / line fuses: “not a subtle upgrade”

When High-End Audio jumps the shark


“This fuse will give you tighter bass and yet sound relaxed – very natural sounding. The sound stage will become bigger and deeper, more detailed, better layering, better micro detail but with a relaxed musical presentation. This is not a subtle upgrade from the Ultimate Beeswax SHD fuse which will stay in the line up. For people that have to have the best this is it! Global retail price is $240.00 each.”

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This kind of shite is precisely what gives “high-end audio” its ever-worsening farcical taint.

No doubt, a future serious upgrade will be “borosilicate lab glass” upgraded cylinders, enlarged and thickened nickel-plated OFC copper end caps (with vacuum sealing (!) and tumble-roughened of course to improve mating grip; check back frequently for the coming-soon series of massively over-built custom fuse-holders (!)), solid OFC copper end-pins with high-temperature silver solder treatment, component nano alignment with microscope verification photo (online!), plus flash cryo-dipping and rolling (in triple-certified GMO-free organic European corn starch) on bola-wood pre-compressed rollers!  All for only an additional $190 per fuse.  Buy a five-pack, keep a few spares, because their audible improvements actually improve with age!!

When High-End Audio jumps the shark

If the output is so audibly influenced by the input, why stop there?  Why not trace the sound quality back to the power substation, to the generating plant even, plus the wetness and composition of the ground in-between.  At the least, compliance from input to output indicates a wholly ineffective power supply.  “Supply” means exactly that, unless it doesn’t.  Why not pour honey all over the circuitboard?  The fuse may be killer and worth every penny, but for minutiae to make an audible difference reveals the low-quality of the device’s power supply, does it not?

Beeswax-filled AC mains or line fuses are a type of electrical fuse that incorporates beeswax as a filler material. The use of beeswax in fuses is primarily aimed at improving the fuse’s performance under certain conditions, particularly in high-voltage or high-current applications. Here’s how beeswax-filled fuses work and their potential benefits:

1. Arc Quenching: Beeswax is a natural insulating material with good thermal properties. When used as a filler material in fuses, beeswax can help quench electrical arcs that occur when a fuse blows due to overcurrent conditions. The beeswax absorbs the heat generated by the arc, helping to extinguish it more effectively than air or other filler materials.

2. Enhanced Safety: The use of beeswax-filled fuses can enhance the safety of electrical systems by reducing the risk of arcing and electrical fires. By quickly extinguishing arcs, beeswax-filled fuses help prevent damage to equipment and minimize the risk of electrical hazards.

3. Reliability: Beeswax-filled fuses may offer improved reliability and longevity compared to traditional fuses filled with sand or other materials. The natural properties of beeswax, such as its high melting point and resistance to moisture, contribute to the fuse’s durability and performance over time.

4. Application: Beeswax-filled fuses are commonly used in industrial and commercial electrical systems, where reliability and safety are paramount. They may be found in equipment such as power distribution panels, control circuits, motor starters, and other high-voltage or high-current applications.

5. Environmental Considerations: Beeswax-filled fuses may have environmental advantages compared to fuses containing synthetic materials or chemicals. Beeswax is a renewable and biodegradable material, making it a more sustainable choice for certain applications.

It’s important to note that while beeswax-filled fuses offer certain benefits, they may not be suitable for all applications. Factors such as voltage rating, current capacity, and environmental conditions should be taken into account when selecting fuses for specific electrical systems. Additionally, proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure the safe and reliable operation of beeswax-filled fuses.

2 thoughts on “When High-End Audio jumps the shark — $250 beeswax filled AC mains / line fuses: “not a subtle upgrade””

  1. If it’s true that a beeswax-filled AC mains fuse (yes, that short little fusible link that melts to protect malfunctioning equipment) provides substantial audible sonic improvement that is “not a subtle upgrade”, wouldn’t it seem likely that providing a beeswax-impregnated AC line cable would really reach outer limits?

  2. Would setting a piece of high-end audio gear upon a bees’ honeycomb provide natural hexalographic improvement to the sound via vibrational damping and “magneticidal” scalar-nodal-point absorption? Would a fuse that is hexagonal or square instead of round provide improved sound quality that is also “not a subtle upgrade”?

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