Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Lenon Honor discusses “Beyond Gangster Blackface” — Language, Programming, Belief, Behavior, Outlook, Future


Beyond Gangster Blackface

What is Sound Healing and How Does It Work?


Sound Healing

Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains


Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains Do conscious experiences happen both within and outside the brain, and can science solve the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness? At this year’s Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. The debate will be chaired by David Malone. … Read more

Music, Frequencies Effects on Body and Mind — Tavistock, Pop Cult, Taylor Swift (Dec 2023) Mike Williams / Sage of Quay


Frequencies Effects on Body and Mind

The Quantum Mechanics Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret


The Quantum Mechanics Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe

Cia Brain

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization – Hemi-Sync, short for Hemispheric Synchronization, is a patented audio technology developed by The Monroe Institute, a research organization focused on consciousness exploration and human potential. Hemi-Sync uses a form of binaural beats, which involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear to create the perception of a third frequency, known as the binaural beat, in the brain.

Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia


Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia