Robert Connolly’s PLANT BAND – Musical Plants – Healing Field — Plants connected to midi synths, playing tones in response to stimulation by crystal singing bowl, being watered, other plants, etc.


Can plants sense the presence of humans? Can they communicate with other plants, animals or humans? In this video, Robert W Connolly conducts Robert’s Plant Band, a quartet of musical plants using a quartz crystal singing bowl. This process is documented in – The Healing Field, – – a feature film about healing with sound, light and electromagnetic fields.

Common house plants were grown by Robert Connolly using water that was first electro-magnetized by Tesla coils. This charged water caused the plants to grow healthier, quicker and perhaps give the plants the capability to sense the presence of their caregiver.

Commercially available polygraph lie detectors that are used in law enforcement were customized to convert the tiny electrical impulses created within the leaves and stems of plants into MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) notes. These notes are then assigned by Robert Connolly to trigger various digital musical instruments inside the computer. All of the music you hear at the outdoor pool were performed by the plants.

When Robert Connolly waves or resonates a quartz crystal singing bowl in front of his musical plants, their nervous system responds to the fields that emanate from his hands and body. Connolly’s bio-electromagnetic frequencies are amplified by the piezo-electric properties of the quartz crystal and his plants sense the subtle energy transmitted through the air. Instead of a conductors baton, Connolly utilizes a hand held quartz crystal to influence the plant’s electrical system to accentuate the drum beats, high and low notes.

This form of human to plant bio-feedback proves that plants do indeed respond to the presence of humans and have a highly variable electrical communication system. Connolly also believes that his magnetically grown plants can better sense his specific bio-electromagnetic signature in much the same way people with a green thumb can effect the growth of their plants when they touch them.

Connolly also says that his musical plants are just like temperamental human musicians he has produced over the years. At times, for no apparent reason – they go on strike and refuse to perform. If a member of the audience rushes their stage – certain plants get stage freight and stop playing. If they touch them – as most people tend to want to do to someone famous – well, in some cases – be prepared for a long silence….Giving them some water often coaxes them back to perform.

If the audience appreciates their performance and pays close attention, they are very active. Some plants don’t like to perform with other plants. Others don’t like the sound of the digital instrument they have been assigned to play. Some prefer to have the music turned up loud while others stop working if it is too loud for them.

Connolly will eventually be releasing Robert’s Plant Band Album so you can listen to them in your home. You can also see the musical plants perform live with other musical performers at future TeslaMania events. For more information on upcoming concerts visit – where Tesla’s Visions are materialized.

You can listen to the Coast to Coast interview to learn more about the plants.  I0

Robert Connolly’s Plant Band project explores the interaction between plants and sound, particularly focusing on how plants can create music through their response to various stimuli like crystal singing bowls, water, and even human presence. By connecting plants to MIDI synths, the electrical impulses within the plants are translated into musical notes. This innovative experiment highlights the sensitivity of plants to their environment and suggests a new dimension of plant-human interaction through the medium of sound and music. For more details on this fascinating exploration of plant sentience and musicality, you can visit the dedicated page on Sound Quality Org.


Connecting plants to MIDI synths and generating tones in response to various stimuli, such as crystal singing bowls, watering, or interactions with other plants, is an innovative approach that combines technology, biology, and music. Here’s how such a setup might work:

1. Electrodes and Sensors: Similar to the MIDI Sprout mentioned earlier, electrodes or sensors are attached to the leaves or stems of plants to measure their bioelectric signals. These signals can be influenced by factors such as light, temperature, moisture, and external stimuli.

2. Signal Processing: The bioelectric signals detected by the electrodes are processed and converted into MIDI data by a MIDI interface or controller device. This data can include information such as pitch, tempo, dynamics, and other musical parameters.

3. Stimuli and Interactions: Various stimuli, such as the vibrations from a crystal singing bowl, the act of watering the plant, or interactions with neighboring plants, can cause changes in the plant’s bioelectric signals. These changes are detected by the electrodes and translated into MIDI data, which in turn triggers tones or musical sequences on the MIDI synths.

4. MIDI Synths and Sound Generation: The MIDI data generated by the plant’s bioelectric signals is sent to MIDI-compatible synthesizers, samplers, or digital audio workstations (DAWs). These devices produce sounds based on the MIDI data received, allowing for the creation of musical compositions or ambient textures that reflect the plant’s responses to its environment.

5. Integration and Performance: The setup involving plants, MIDI synths, and external stimuli can be integrated into live performances, art installations, or interactive experiences. Musicians, artists, or participants can interact with the plants and observe how their actions influence the sounds being produced in real-time, creating a dynamic and immersive audiovisual experience.

Overall, connecting plants to MIDI synths and generating music based on their bioelectric signals and responses to stimuli offers a creative and experimental approach to exploring the relationship between plants, humans, and technology. It opens up possibilities for new forms of artistic expression, scientific inquiry, and environmental awareness.

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