Global Consciousness Played as Music – Princeton Edu

“What about the possibility we could use music to detect structure in the data? There is a history dating back to the beginning of the project of ideas for making music based on or driven by the Egg data. There is another sort of history of unusual music in my background, playing with friends long … Read more

When you zoom-in on an “empty” Horizon, see what actually appears — Personally-obtainable direct evidence powerfully opens minds; whilst, in fact, abiding prevalent requires tolerating the greatest number of most severe anomalies

Interesting that it is always “sea level” and never “sea curve”.     Zooming in on the horizon refers to using a camera or visual observation to focus on distant objects or landscapes, particularly those located at or near the horizon line. This action can reveal details and features that may not be visible … Read more

Soyuz “Globus” Mechanical Navigation Computer

Remember: “Globe Theory” Also, one of the Big Questions RE supposed space flight, rocket launches, etc. is the absolutely total absence of any and all rocket engine noise and roar that surely should have been overwhelmingly loud (and therefore at least somewhat audible in all recordings, completely contrary to all available evidence) given the propinquity … Read more

Our Hijacked Timeline with Michelle Gibson

Rings true.  Michelle Gibson is one of those exceedingly rare researchers whose findings — if even one sentence of which is true — inexorably causes rethink and rewrite of all “known” history.  However, we must always beware the confounding and misleading layers in the profound “onion of lies” constructed over such long time to do … Read more