Ankh, Generator, Receiver, Vibrator — Tesla threatened to end power monopolies       The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents life, vitality, and immortality. It resembles a cross with a loop at the top and is often depicted being held by gods and pharaohs in ancient Egyptian art. While the Ankh itself is a symbol rather than a tangible source of energy, … Read more

Fantastic — Cymatics and Ancient modern sound Technology – 2012 Breakthrough Energy Conference

Sound boils water. Sound travels faster than light. The trouble with dogmatic science.     Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, where sound waves are used to generate geometric patterns in various mediums such as liquids, powders, or plates. The patterns produced are a visual representation of the frequencies and vibrations … Read more

Boiling Water with Resonance — Dumas Effect, Peter Davies, George Wiseman, Stanley Meyer   per CGPT — Boiling Water: Boiling occurs when a liquid reaches a temperature where its vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure surrounding the liquid, leading to the formation of bubbles within the liquid that rise to the surface and escape into the air as steam. This is a physical change that results … Read more