Particles from ionizing radiation are slow, few and far-between — Microwave radiation from wifi, cellphones, smart-meters is cacophonic onslaught in all directions all at once, over 2 billion times per second

Fantastic quote from the comments — ” We’re taught to think of ionizing radiation as ‘more dangerous’ but it’s not true. Electromagnetic radiation from wifi and cellphones blasts out in all directions at the speed of light (or nearly so) all at once, and at over 2 billion times per second – like a giga … Read more

Polio, actually from exposure to electricity / RF radiation ?

Clearly, the “science” is not “settled” at all; in fact, nowhere near, per the growing realization that no virus has ever been truly isolated with regards to meeting Koch’s postulates.  (Dr Sam Bailey).   Arthur Firstenberg’s Theory on Power-Grid Electrification and Polio Introduction: In recent years, Arthur Firstenberg, an advocate for the health effects of … Read more