From eyeballing M&M Mars unusual HQ in McLean, VA — to “Super Soldier” research involving Flavonoids and beyond

M&M Mars, Inc — headquarters of the candy company — 6885 Elm St, McLean, VA — Building has few, thin windows; no markings at all; nothing signifying M&M Mars Inc corporate anything.  Seems instead secretive, opposite of promotional, fun, candy, goodies.  Insider reports that the second floor is open-floorspace with no walls; single podium with a meat-cleaver; … Read more

Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life

“This lecture offers evidence that the cellular manufacture of disease can be caused by external (microwave, cellphone) wireless radiation.” In this talk, Professor Nick Lane uses life as a guide to its own origins. Modern cells use electrical charges on membranes to drive their metabolism, which in turn makes the building blocks of genes and … Read more

Is this unfortunate child being ‘slow-cooked’ alive ? Microwave overexposure + extreme microwave sensitivity / allergy ?

He does appear to have a kind of “sunburn”, and is not microwave radiation overexposure sunburn of another kind? The ailment has been labeled “EB” by the many brightest minds, specialists, etc. But, is the cause Possibly instead simply an allergic reaction to microwave radiation? Dr Devra Davis has identified microwaves as splitting DNA and … Read more