What “founded” really means — it means what we found after the mudflood – Coming to grips with the ‘thousand years’ that was added to our history…

Excavations reveal entire levels “built” underground.  Probably they weren’t really; instead, what most likely happened is that the buildings pre-existed our recorded history and were simply “founded” by us, post-mud-flood / post-cataclysm.  What makes more sense?  Either that, or our near ancestors were built facades underground and then buried them!  Those “in-charge” of “higher” education, … Read more

Is this unfortunate child being ‘slow-cooked’ alive ? Microwave overexposure + extreme microwave sensitivity / allergy ?

He does appear to have a kind of “sunburn”, and is not microwave radiation overexposure sunburn of another kind? The ailment has been labeled “EB” by the many brightest minds, specialists, etc. But, is the cause Possibly instead simply an allergic reaction to microwave radiation? Dr Devra Davis has identified microwaves as splitting DNA and … Read more