Dr Tom Cowan explores proposed alternate causes to Polio, including Sugar, DDT, Arsenic, Electricity

Dr. Tom Cowan’s Controversial Theories on Polio and Alternate Causes Beyond the Poliovirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHvJ0ymR5rg — Interview by Mercola of Tom Cowan Introduction: In the realm of medical history, few diseases have sparked as much controversy and debate as polio. While the conventional narrative attributes the cause of polio to the poliovirus, Dr. Tom Cowan, a … Read more

Is this unfortunate child being ‘slow-cooked’ alive ? Microwave overexposure + extreme microwave sensitivity / allergy ?

He does appear to have a kind of “sunburn”, and is not microwave radiation overexposure sunburn of another kind? The ailment has been labeled “EB” by the many brightest minds, specialists, etc. But, is the cause Possibly instead simply an allergic reaction to microwave radiation? Dr Devra Davis has identified microwaves as splitting DNA and … Read more