Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Blood Brain and Biology
A very comprehensive (and alarming) report of the detrimental biological effects of RF radiation exposure. Page 25 describes the HEART ATTACK GUN and also the STROKE GUN.

To summarize the effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure on the blood, the following general changes emerge although conflicting reports are also present:
(1) General decrease in hemoglobin content
(2) Generally reduced coagulation times
(3) Decrease in leucocyte count
Heavy emphasis has been placed on investigations involving electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system. Effect on hemodynamics include blood pressure variation and cardiac ayyrythmias. Also included are reports of a slowdown of intraventricular and intra-strial conduction, diffuse cardiac muscular changes, and ventricular extrasystole. As with other effects, animal studies are frequently reported and human reports are typically retrospective in nature. Many of the variations noted on the cardiovascular system result from central nervous sytem effects.
Comparison of high-exposure persons to control group of lesser exposure over a period of years: A significantly higher incidence of coronary disease, hypertension, and disturbances of lipid metabolism among those exposed.
Exposures to 14.9 MHz and 69.7 MHz waves (at lethal doses) showed “very pronounced vascular dystrophic changes were found throughout the organism.”
PDF Defense_Agency_EMR_Effects_1976
“The role of microwaves in cataract formation and visual damage has been studied extensively…” (page 14)
“The Soviets have reported the occurence of ‘acute attacks’ (sic) of glaucoma (1,304 cases) which were correlated with geomagnetic disturbances.” (page 15)
PART 10 — Internal Sound Perception (voice-to-skull, V2K) — “hearing voices inside head”
“Perception of modulated microwave signals which seem to be originating intracranially as characteristic sounds is a phenomenon which was first reported in the US open literature more than thiteen years ago.” (page 15)
Pages 17-18 — “Clincal studies were done on thirty subjects, aged 25 to 40 years, exposed to industrial ultrahigh frequency centimeter waves at power densitites of 10 to 500 mW/cm2 for period of time ranging from 4 to 13 years. Subjective complaints included generalized weakness, afternoon and evening apathy, fatigue, headache, sleep disorders, and nonradiation precordial pain suggestive of asthenia or neurastheia with autonominc dystonia. Electroencephalography revealed periods of absense of alpa wave activity alternating with low R waves, increased frequency of potentials, dysrhythmia, period low peak potentials, and reactions to afferent stimuli. Peripheral blood studies revealed lymphocytosis or monocytosis in eight subjects; increased alpha and gamma globulins were in 18 subjects. Erythrocyte potassium was within the lower limits of normal, while urine potassium was within the upper limits of normal. Adrenal cortex function was evaluated by urine levels of 17-keosteoids, which were elevated to 22 to 40 mg in 11 subjects; average levels were 20.5 mg. Urine levels of epinephrine and nonrepinephrine were elevated in some subjects. Thyroid function was evaluated by rate of radioiodine uptake. Average uptake within two hours was 11.3 percenter, and in four hours 16.9 percent. The 24 hour uptake did not differ from normal values. Electrocardiography revealed changes in the heart conduction system in six subjects; … “
Page 21: “The results of the research have encouraged the Soviets to investigate methods for exploiting microwaves and radiowaves to produce controllable psychophysiological effects.”
Page 22: “Nonthermal means that no increase in rectal temperature is measurable. Therefore, it appears that if a change or an effect is noted without an increase in rectal temperature it is a nonthermal effect explainable as an energy coupling. This definition does not take into account localized temperature increases which may not be reflected in rectal temperatures.”
Page 23: “Soviet researfch has produced guidelines which were used to establish a value of 10 uW/cm2 per working day as the maximum admissible value for microwave irradiation.
Page 25: “The Soviets have also studied the psychophysiological and metabolic changes and the alterations of brain function resulting from exposure to mixed frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. One physiological effect which has been remonstrated is heart seizure. This has been accomplished experimentally in frogs by synchronizing a pulsed ultrahigh frequency microwave signal of low average-power density with the depolarization of the myocardium and beaming the signal at the thoracic area. A frequency probably could be found which would provide sufficient penetration of the chest wall of humans to accomplish the same effect. Another possibility is alteration of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. This could allow neurotoxins in the blood to cross. As a result, an individual could develop severe neuropathological symptoms and either die or become seriously impaired neurologically.”
Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation refer to the impact that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) can have on living organisms, including humans. Electromagnetic radiation encompasses a wide spectrum of frequencies, ranging from extremely low frequencies (ELF) to radio frequencies (RF), microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each frequency range has different biological effects, and the potential health risks associated with EMF exposure have been a topic of scientific research and debate.
Here are some key points regarding the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation:
1. Thermal Effects: One of the most well-established biological effects of EMF exposure is thermal heating. At higher frequencies, such as microwave and radio frequencies, electromagnetic radiation can cause tissues to absorb energy and increase in temperature. Prolonged exposure to high levels of RF radiation can lead to tissue damage and thermal burns.
2. Non-Thermal Effects: There is also evidence to suggest that EMF exposure can have non-thermal effects on biological systems. These effects are less well understood and may involve mechanisms such as changes in cell membrane permeability, alterations in cellular signaling pathways, and disruption of biological rhythms.
3. Genotoxicity: Some studies have suggested that exposure to certain types of electromagnetic radiation, particularly at higher frequencies such as microwave and RF radiation, may induce genotoxic effects, including DNA damage and chromosomal aberrations. However, the evidence for this is not conclusive, and further research is needed to understand the potential risks.
4. Health Effects: The potential health effects of EMF exposure have been the subject of considerable scientific research and public concern. Some studies have suggested possible links between long-term exposure to EMF, particularly from sources such as mobile phones, wireless communication devices, and power lines, and an increased risk of certain health conditions, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. However, the evidence for these associations remains inconclusive, and many studies have produced conflicting results.
5. Safety Guidelines: In response to concerns about the potential health effects of EMF exposure, various organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), have developed safety guidelines and exposure limits for different types of electromagnetic radiation. These guidelines are intended to protect public health and minimize the risk of adverse effects from EMF exposure.
Overall, while there is evidence to suggest that electromagnetic radiation can have biological effects on living organisms, particularly at high levels of exposure, the extent of these effects and their implications for human health remain areas of ongoing research and debate. It is important for policymakers, regulators, and the public to stay informed about the latest scientific findings and to take appropriate precautions to minimize exposure to EMF sources when necessary.