Lloyd Pye, Brien Foerster & Jerry Wills – 2 hours, Red Ice

Lloyd Pye is a researcher, author and lecturer. His subject areas include Intervention Theory, Hominoids, human origins and the Starchild Skull. Brien Foerster is a professional sculptor and author known for his research on the megalithic sites of South America. He is also the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas, south of … Read more

Geometry and Music of Stone Circles – presented by Marke Pawson

Marke detailed his latest research on the musical principles that are evident in the geometry of stone circles, as based upon the research of Alexander Thom. In two stone circles, Borrowstone Rig and Moel-ty-Uchaf, the ‘foot’ is the principle measure used by the designers and, since the foot relates directly to the diatonic scale in … Read more