Bullet-proof Technology in a Temple

Bullet-proof Technology in a Temple

Batten roofing, made of granite.  Granite “nails”.  “Connecting rods” of several different patterns.  But, instead, everything appears to have been poured / molded.

From video comment: “Davidovitz proved geopolymers used to mold complex “granite” shapes, etc. Back in the 1970s. Look him up, RE Egypt.”

Bullet-proof Technology in a Temple
Bullet-proof Technology in a Temple

I’m not aware of any individual named Davidovitz who has definitively proven that geopolymers were used to mold complex structures in ancient times. However, Joseph Davidovits is a notable scientist who has proposed theories about the use of geopolymers in ancient construction.

Joseph Davidovits is a French materials scientist known for his research on geopolymers, which are synthetic materials made from inorganic compounds. He has suggested that certain ancient structures, such as the pyramids of Egypt and other megalithic sites, were constructed using geopolymers rather than carved from natural stone.

Davidovits’ hypothesis suggests that ancient builders used a form of geopolymer concrete, made from locally available materials mixed with water and a binding agent, to cast blocks and mold them into intricate shapes. According to this theory, the blocks were poured and formed on-site, then hardened into place to create the massive structures we see today.

While Davidovits’ ideas have sparked interest and debate among archaeologists, engineers, and materials scientists, they remain speculative and controversial. Many experts in the field of archaeology and Egyptology argue that there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that geopolymers were used in ancient construction.

The traditional view among archaeologists is that ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, employed techniques such as quarrying, cutting, and transporting natural stone to build monumental structures like the pyramids. The debate over the construction methods of ancient monuments continues, and further research and evidence are needed to conclusively determine the materials and techniques used by ancient builders.

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