Bush and Trump Forefathers Collaborated on Radar Xrays Swamps Particle Accelerators Big Pharma and Tesla Death Ray Tech

Bush trump tesla 1

Bush and Trump Forefathers Collaborated on Radar Xrays Swamps Particle Accelerators Big Pharma and Tesla Death Ray Tech Interesting historical facts. explains why he never “drained the swamp” Trump’s ancestors also had big business in Saskatchewan in the oil industry There was a story that a young boy named George used to hang out in … Read more

Electromagnetic radiation focused by cornea causes eye damage Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute

Em physics

Electromagnetic radiation focused by cornea causes eye damage Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute “That the glass lense, like your cornea, focuses electromagnetic radiation is strong evidence supporting the theory that our evergrowing environmental toxin of radiofrequency radiation is primarily responsible for our evermore damaged eyesight, collectively.” Note also that troops, humans, animals exposed to electromagnetic … Read more

Anything Goes Radio Reprograms America 1920 to 1940

Radio Reprograms

Anything Goes Radio Reprograms America 1920 to 1940 Radio defined and shaped popular culture, unifying the nation through a common medium during difficult times. Unexpectedly bursting onto the airwaves in 1920, radio technology created challenges and opportunities for providing popular content. Watch to hear about the evolution of radio from Dr. John Smith, Lehigh University … Read more