Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay

Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay

Stunning.  The whole thing, alllll of it, was a carefully-controlled, orchestrated put-on.
Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay
Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay

The numerology is telling —

Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay

The claim of “Manufactured Beatles” is a conspiracy theory that suggests that The Beatles, one of the most influential and successful bands in music history, were not a genuine musical group but rather a creation of the music industry or other clandestine forces. Proponents of this theory often argue that The Beatles’ success was orchestrated by record labels, government agencies, or secret societies for various nefarious purposes, such as social engineering, mind control, or cultural manipulation.

1 thought on “Manufactured Beatles Lies destroyed by contradictory evidence compiled by Sage of Quay”

  1. Impossibly, the Rolling Stones and Beatles never had competing album release dates — it was always one, then the other, alternating for maximum marketability to (and affordability by) an unsuspecting public.

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