I have discovered sonic fertilizer

I have discovered sonic fertilizer

Sound DRAMATICALLY Helps Plants Grow

I spend 2 months adding to the mountains of evidence suggesting that sound helps plants grow better. So why don’t farms have PA systems?

Only (reportedly) one-third of modern scientific studies have results that can be reproduced. It’s the repeatability problem.

1962 study: Holy Basil plant growth boost 20% when exposed to amplified classical music. Resulted in 72% increased biomass. VIOLIN IS MOST EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENT FOR BOOSTING PLANT GROWTH.

Dorothy Retallack.


There’s also studies finding out that plants communicate with each other through high frequency clicking sounds to warn of insects and drought and other things and it’s mainly super high frequencies they can hear because they have the ability to go farther, and I can feel the wave wave vibration and differentiate it better than a low frequency which covers a wide range.

In sterile environments like yours, where there is no natural wind, and you vibrate one group and not the others, I would expect exactly this. Plants respond very well to wind. Plants need movement to grow for multiple reasons.

My theory: the processes that make their vascular systems work are affected by physical vibrations (i.e. wind, in nature), and sound likewise has corresponding effects. Makes sense that sonic/subsonic/supersonic vibrations would have effects on plants, simply because you’re apply forces across them… and likewise, it makes sense that the results would vary based on the characteristics of the vibrations… and likewise (part 2), it makes sense that the maximum impact to their overall growth wouldn’t be the zero-input condition.

I work at a musical theater summer camp in a garden each year, 60+ children singing songs daily, strolling and dancing through the garden, everything perks up for that month, the garden never seems more alive, in bloom, buzzing.

Maybe the sound waves are assisting in moving fluid around the plant? And somehow the different frequencies in music selectively vibrate different parts of the plant? Maybe try to play a combination of sound waves, or some that fluctuate in frequency

After learning that we only understood that green light breaks groups of water molecules helping to cool down green surfaces more efficiently in 2023, which is possibly why chlorophyll in plants optimally would be a green pigment (there are non-green plants in different conditions) I’m no longer surprised we don’t know basic things.

In 2023 we also learned that blue colored objects tended to survive the Lahaina wildphyres, thus supporting the theory that much of the heating (or, rather, cooling) there had something to do with the repulsion of blue light.

Home Depot plays classical at night for the plants lol

Test for fish in tank or bowl by cymatic excitation of the tank/bowl and thus water and thus fish. Low volume / intensity. Would be super interesting to explore.

Also, gets into the A440 vs A432 rabbithole.

should’ve done a double-blind trial where the plants don’t know if they’re hearing music or not.

I am not a botanist, but i read something about this a while ago. They say the mechanism could be plant stomata. They’re little pores on plant leaves that allow for respiration. It seems like they open in response to some frequencies, and vary in size, based on the plant. Researchers are still looking into it but that’s one theory about the mechanism between ambient sound and growth: stomata diameter. The catch is, wider stomata means the plant is more likely to take in an allergen or something that makes it sick. But it also means the plant can “breath” more and therefore grow more in the same amount of time. I hope this is something worth looking into.

There’s a company called Sonic Bloom, started by a guy named Dan Carlson several decades ago, which sells products that revolve around the idea that sound opens stomata and a few other principles, making some bold claims of staggering success by those who use their products. Their products include small sound emitting systems with audio CDs containing specific frequencies, said to be those found in birdsong.

My initial impression is that the extra growth effect is primarily due to mechanical vibrations around the roots rather than acoustic vibrations of the shoots. Vibration of the roots and growth medium would likely enhance water and nutrient transfer. The platform is going to have various resonance frequencies. So, some frequencies will acoustically couple to the platform better than others. My hunch is that haptic transducers attached to the base would be most effective.

DR EMOTO water effect. DAN WINTER also. CYMATICS is the field. EILEEN MCKUSICK also. SOUNDQUALITY Organization has tons of info on this and similar.

Plants “open wider the holes” on the bottom of the leaves through which they intake the air, when they “hear” (I don’t know how) singing birds (violin and birds occupy the same frequencies, therefore classical music seems to give most results). It’s more air that’s making them grow bigger – try two hydroponic setups, but one with air being pumped into water (like in aquariums) you’ll see how air is more important than nutrients. Another rabbit hole for you Benn is how magnetic fields affect growing plants – in my experiments worked like crazy. Now combine the two techniques with great growing medium and you have the answer how people grow 1000kg pumpkins.

It’s the close connection between plants-insects-birds. Birds make sounds, and eat insects that eat plants. This encourages growth since the plant could decide to stay dormant and just survive in the presence of insects. The sound of rushing water tells plants to extend their roots to find it.

There is at least one study that shows its not so much what sounds they “hear” its the audio frequency of the sound that either contributes to or diminishes the plants growth.

I have discovered sonic fertilizer

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Plants exposed to louder sound pressure level grew more.

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