I have discovered sonic fertilizer

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I have discovered sonic fertilizer Sound DRAMATICALLY Helps Plants Grow I spend 2 months adding to the mountains of evidence suggesting that sound helps plants grow better. So why don’t farms have PA systems? Only (reportedly) one-third of modern scientific studies have results that can be reproduced. It’s the repeatability problem. 1962 study: Holy Basil … Read more

Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins

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Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques Poitevineau, Hugues Borsarello, Indiana Wollman, Fan-Chia Tao, and Thierry Ghasarossian PNAS 2014 111 (20) 7224-7229; published ahead of print April 7, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/111/20/7224.full.pdf+html “Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins” conducted by Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques … Read more