Beyond Gangster Blackface docu on Hip-Hop by Lennon Honor w Jan Irvin Unpsun Logos Media

Beyond Gangster Blackface docu on Hip-Hop by Lennon Honor w Jan Irvin Unpsun Logos Media

30 years hindight examination of music —

Based on repetition in music —

NWA Niggas With Attitude (likely most influential hip-hop band)

4 albums

Major theme is disrespect of women (bitch, hoe, etc)

3:09:44 total playtime

553 instances of disrespect

385 use of word “ngger”

345 times, self-aggrandizement

208 times, degradation

198 fck, vulgarity

It goes on an on.

Beyond Gangster Blackface docu on Hip-Hop by Lennon Honor w Jan Irvin Unpsun Logos Media

Ultimately, NWA “gangsta rap” music seems to have served an underlying agenda of disrespect and degradation of self, culture, society and family. Social engineering.

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