Sparkless Millenial Gaze – The Spock-Look

Sparkless Millenial Gaze

This is neat and all, about ChatGPT, but what’s most interesting about this image is the decidedly “sparkless” millenial gaze from Khan’s son. It’s cold, passive, as if blunted by vaccinations, mercury-in-the-mind, or microwave-brain-scramble in which RF energies blast and disrupt normal brain chemistries and processes. Or maybe he’s just tired. Many millenials exhibit this look. “Millenials” were born after Y2K. Pay attention and you will spot it instantly, all around. This is not about personality or performance. It is about the shimmer of the soul through the eyes and overall presence of life-force — and what appears to be a blunting or dispersion of this force. It is an attention, a glory, a shining, and in so so many it appears muted, repressed. Not a judgment but an observation. From my experience, it is the look of entrainment as if focused but detached, a ‘being in the zone’ as if playing a musical instrument or performing some other zen-like action. Can you spot it? To my eye, this picture is particularly keen and the reason I wrote this.

Sparkless Millenial Gaze

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